Inspire Covid-19 Statement

21 October 2021

Personal Statement from Ps Don McDonell and Inspire Church regarding Covid-19, Church Services, and the Vaccination challenges.

The following is a simple statement that expresses the sentiments of myself and the leadership of Inspire Church.

 With this in mind, we hold the stance that we do not hold an official or ethical stance regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.  We respect the rights of our people and have held strongly the position that each person should make their own decision regarding the vaccine based on their personal conscience, the advice of qualified medical professionals, and their own research.

We as a church since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2019 have consulted with our leaders and oversight and have sought always to follow and be supportive of the Public Health measures implemented since the pandemic started. This resulted in moving our services and other ministries to an online format. This has been very successful and has kept most of us connected and when required we have been able to minister to individuals accordingly.  

I am extremely grateful for the commitment of our team to ensure our ability to express the uniqueness of Inspire Church online, representing Worship, Word, Children’s Ministry, Youth and Young Adults, iGroups, and the general administration of Inspire as we continue to flourish TOGETHER.

The future challenge we all face is how faith-based gatherings may continue in this Covid-19 Pandemic.  And like some countries have limited gatherings, based upon a changing perspective of a person’s vaccination status.

Meeting together in collective worship, hearing the Word of God is a fundamental right of every believer and there should not be discrimination against people attending based upon any differences or diversity of status.  

This is a very difficult issue and is currently being addressed by National Church Leaders in New Zealand.  We hope that future legislation regarding Church gatherings will be done in consultation with Church leaders ( a request from the National Church Leaders has been sent to Government requesting that this will be done).

One of the most important basic values we hold dear at Inspire is our unity and love for each other. We have a wide variety of beliefs regarding vaccination and gatherings within our church family, however, the expression of personal opinions and beliefs must be without prejudice and without disunity being created.  

I understand and acknowledge that there is a great deal of fear and insecurity at the moment. But we must not allow that to drive any wedge between each other. That said, A ‘them and us’ mindset cannot be embraced. As we have experienced in the past... “We Are Better Together” along with our belief that... we ‘belong before we believe’, with no Judgement and without partiality “For the Lord your God is the great, mighty, and awe-inspiring God, showing no partiality and taking no bribe” (Deut. 10:17).

Let us not be distracted, the battle we are in is spiritual. I believe the way forward during these times is spiritual and I am calling our Church to prayer and intercession.

So I encourage you to be praying for our nation, our leaders, and the Church in New Zealand. As we rise up in prayer like never before.

As a church I am asking for your support in prayer and keeping our main thing our focus, caring for one another and transforming lives. Anything else is a violation of our values and the integrity of our culture, which is based on the principle of God’s love and inclusivity.

Finally, please know I am here for you, and together we will walk through this next season of life, knowing that we have each other, and we know that God is in control. Please call me should you need to talk through any of this.

Please join with me, let us stand together and pray the prayer Jesus taught to us ….

Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
Matthew 6 / Luke 11

If my people, who are called by my name,
(A) will humble
(B) themselves and pray and
(C) seek my face
(D) and turn from their wicked ways,
(E) then I will hear from heaven, and
(F) I will forgive their sin and
(G) will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

They devoted themselves to the Apostle’s teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.
Acts 2.42

Remain strong in faith. I love you all,
Ps Don McDonell