Gidday blokes, instead of having the Blokes Knight event on Tuesday 14 February (Valentines Day), we have decided to encourage those of you with partners to spend time with your wife or partner that night and we will do a Blokes Picnic on Saturday 18 Feb instead.
These details are…
Venue: Sylvan Park, Sylvan Park Avenue, Milford, Auckland 0620; You can park by the toilets and we will be around the corner on the grass, close to the trees;
Date: Saturday 18 Feb 2023 (weather permitting)
Time: from 11am to late afternoon
What to bring: whole family, children, games and FOOD for BBQ & a salad to share; drinks, picnic blanket, sunscreen, etc.
There is not cost; If people are happy to bring portable gas bbq, that would be helpful.
Games we have so far: cricket, pétanque , frizz bee, soccer.
If you have questions please contact me Andrew on 022 404 3973.