Say “yes” to Jesus

Congratulations on saying “yes”.
Following Jesus is the best decision you can ever make.

If you haven’t already, you can start by saying a simple prayer “Jesus please come into my life. I recognise that I am a sinner and in need of your forgiveness. Thank you for the cross which made a way for me to be set free. I choose to follow you as my Lord and my Saviour. Amen”.

Then, over the next 7 days we will send you an uplifting thought and Bible verse to help you start on this amazing journey. If you wish to, you can opt out at any time.


SHARE | this good news with your friends and family

READ | your Bible each day

PRAY | simply talking to Jesus in a real and authentic way

CHURCH | is where you will be encouraged, challenged and inspired

CONNECT | because we are better together. Find your place to belong